Uncovering Hidden Gems: 5 Surprising Stocks That Soared Over 100% in 2024

Discover 5 unexpected stock winners of 2024 and learn how to spot future market trends with Uptrends.ai's powerful tools


Top Energy Stocks To Watch Based on News Sentiment (2024)

Dive into energy investments with Uptrends! Discover the top stocks to watch this year, and strategies for success.


Largest IT Outages of All-Time- Where Crowdstrike 2024 Ranks

Ranking the top 10 largest IT outages of all-time in terms of people impacted, duration, reputational damange, and more.


8 Apparel Stocks to Watch in 2024 (Sentiment Report)

Dive into apparel investments with Uptrends! Discover the top stocks to watch this year, and strategies for success.


Only 12 Stocks Have Been 'Most Valuable' on the S&P 500 in 100 Years

Fascinating history of the most valuable stocks in the S&P 500 since its inception, from AT&T to Nvidia and beyond

Case studies

Top 10 Congress Members Trading Stocks in 2024

Discover the top 10 Congress members trading stocks in 2024. Learn about their investments, net worth, and implications.


Stock Alerts: Uptrends vs. Yahoo Finance

Comparing stock market news monitoring and alerting features between Uptrends.ai and Yahoo Financ

Case studies

Top 9 Companies Mentioning AI on Earnings Calls [Q2 2024 Report]

Tracking which companies are mentioning AI most often on quarterly earnings calls in 2024


Top 200 FinTwit Accounts to Follow in 2024 [Guide]

Complete list of top Finance Twitter (FinTwit) accounts to follow in 2024 with downloadable data table of informaiton


Uncovering Hidden Gems: 5 Surprising Stocks That Soared Over 100% in 2024

Discover 5 unexpected stock winners of 2024 and learn how to spot future market trends with Uptrends.ai's powerful tools


Top Energy Stocks To Watch Based on News Sentiment (2024)

Dive into energy investments with Uptrends! Discover the top stocks to watch this year, and strategies for success.


Largest IT Outages of All-Time- Where Crowdstrike 2024 Ranks

Ranking the top 10 largest IT outages of all-time in terms of people impacted, duration, reputational damange, and more.


8 Apparel Stocks to Watch in 2024 (Sentiment Report)

Dive into apparel investments with Uptrends! Discover the top stocks to watch this year, and strategies for success.


Only 12 Stocks Have Been 'Most Valuable' on the S&P 500 in 100 Years

Fascinating history of the most valuable stocks in the S&P 500 since its inception, from AT&T to Nvidia and beyond

Case studies

Top 10 Congress Members Trading Stocks in 2024

Discover the top 10 Congress members trading stocks in 2024. Learn about their investments, net worth, and implications.


Stock Alerts: Uptrends vs. Yahoo Finance

Comparing stock market news monitoring and alerting features between Uptrends.ai and Yahoo Financ

Case studies

Top 9 Companies Mentioning AI on Earnings Calls [Q2 2024 Report]

Tracking which companies are mentioning AI most often on quarterly earnings calls in 2024


Top 200 FinTwit Accounts to Follow in 2024 [Guide]

Complete list of top Finance Twitter (FinTwit) accounts to follow in 2024 with downloadable data table of informaiton
